COVID has created a surge in home offices or work from home jobs that were normally located in commercial or industrial complexes. Small business owners or employees now remote into secure CRM tools or private company email and begin their workday. Connecting from their unsecured Internet Provider using desktop computers, laptops, IPad’s or mobile devices. Thus, increasing the chances to be affected by the threat that is targeting home offices, hacking.
Costumers often think Internet providers ensure safe connections for all their devices connected to their service. Unfortunately, that is not the case.
As the Internet becomes more of a place for doing business and not just exchanging information, it becomes a greater target for hackers to steal sensitive information like passwords, banking information, private company data and more.
Services like a VPN can help protect private information regardless of Internet Provider. How does a VPN work? VPN works by masking your ISP’s address. This prevents cyber-attacks or third parties’ intruders from stealing data or monitoring internet activities. VPN is now the new normal in cyber protection. Global hacking or breach of security compromising thousands of people’s personal information is now an everyday occurrence.
PrivaNet VPN is unique because it connects and protects ALL devices in a home or small office. From desktops to laptops, mobile devices and even Smart TV’s. Most VPN providers protect individual devices per subscription, but because PrivaNet VPN is a Router, it protects all devices at once. PrivaNet VPN service can work with any Internet Service provider to guard sensitive information.
Working from home certainly has its’ benefits and can reduce rent or mortgage expenses for small businesses. Protecting sensitive information in this new work environment is critical. Having a breach occur from a home connection can lead to financial consequences that can be avoided. Protect your home office connection and protect your customer’s privacy. PrivaNet VPN Router, providing secure encrypted connections for home offices.